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Upfront with Pastor James, 9/14/2022

In our passage this morning, the Apostle Paul shared his fundamental strategy and common plan for reaching people with the Gospel. In v 15-20, He established the clearest and most concise statements about what we believe about Christ. A Christology in what is believed to be an early hymn that was sung.

The message of Christ will drive us to joyfully suffer, faithfully serve, and openly proclaim him--now he summarizes His fundamental strategy in the Gospel…

1. Preach Christ with appropriate Gravity.

“Him we proclaim”: to make known in public, with implication of broad dissemination, proclaim, announce. This message is not intended to stay a secret...

“warning:” to counsel about avoiding or ceasing an improper course of conduct, or direction, admonish, warn, instruct. (Neuthetic counseling.) Col 3:16

We are preaching Christ:

  • The Person and work of Christ: Coequality with the father. Is he part of the Trininty? Or is he a staged manifestation of God… Does God exist in shifting modes, or are there three persons, distinct, and yet of one substance, and one essence? If we want to know God, we go through Christ.

  • THe Pre-existing Christ. cooperative work in creation: He was the preexisting Christ. By him and for him…therefor he is the

  • The preeminence of Christ: He has authority over my life… my time, my talents and my treasures...

Walter Martin, Kingdom of the Cults: Since the earliest days of Christianity, both apostle and disciple alike have been confronted with the perversion of the revelation God has given us in the person of Jesus Christ. Historically, this perversion has extended not only to the teaching of our Lord but, more importantly, to the person of Christ... if the doctrine of Christ himself, i.e., His person, nature, and work are perverted so that the identity of the life-giver is altered, then the life that He came to give is correspondingly negated. And it is at precisely this juncture that in this day and age we come face to face with the phenomenon that the apostle Paul described in Second Corinthians, chapter eleven, as "the other Jesus."
“Make disciples of Jesus by proclaiming him like an evangelist, warning like a prophet, teaching like a theologian, and applying wisdom like a sage. Preach Christ until you die!” ― Brandon D. Smith

2. Preach Christ from personal experience.

"teaching." to tell someone what to do, tell, instruct, to give directions. ἐποίησαν ὡς ἐδιδάχθησαν they did as they were told Mt provide instruction in a formal or informal setting, teach

"in all wisdom"Wisdom is the experience in practical living. It is not just growth in knowledge; it is teaching in wisdom or teaching from experiential knowledge. I learn the truth, and I apply the truth. Here is the reality. I can’t lead people to be what I am not.

“The one indispensable requirement for producing godly, mature Christians is godly, mature Christians.” Kevin DeYoung
  • Acts 4:20 For we cannot stop speaking about what we have seen and heard.”

  • Mark 4:24 Jesus said, pay attention to what you hear! with what measure you use, it will be measured back to you, and still more will be added to you.!!!

“Only a disciple can make a disciple.”― A. W. Tozer

I proclaim christ from my own personal experience...

  • James 3:13 Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.

  • Proverbs 2:6 For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;

3. Preach Christ toward appropriate goals.

This is how Epaphras was praying this for them…

Its harvest time: plow a little farther, dig a little deeper, sow a little greater, pray a little harder…preach a little louder...

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